Holiday Gift Guide 2024

Written By Carrie Jackson

I’ve had a lot of requests to put together a holiday gift guide for ADHD kids, teens, and tweens.

This year, I’m putting together my ADHD holiday gift guide for the whole family so that you know what to get for everyone.

Check out the Holiday Gift Guide for ADHD Families below to see my favorite gifts that ADHD kids, teens, and parents will love.

By the way, if you have an ADHD tween, they might like gifts from either the kids or teens list. 

**This post does contain some affiliate links for Amazon, Mightier, & Skylight Calendar. If you do purchase through my link, I may receive a small commission (at no extra cost to you). 

Gifts for ADHD Kids

1. Aaron’s Thinking Putty:

  • I have 5 tins of this in my private practice office and it’s the first thing that kids reach for when they come inside.

  • My 8 year old nephew said it was the coolest thing he’s ever seen when I bought it for him as a gift.

  • Plus, I love that it’s not messy or sticky so parents don’t have to worry about getting it all over their couch. 

2. MineBrick Custom Brick Figure

  • I actually bought one of these for me and my boyfriend to make together, but they’re also the perfect gift for kids to do if your ADHD child likes legos.

  • As a heads up, these do take about 3 weeks to arrive so you will want to order these early if you’re buying them for the holiday season.

3. Mightier:

  • Mightier is a tool that helps ADHD kids learn to regulate their emotions.

  • In the Mightier app, they play games and are able to see their heart rate rise as they get more excited or frustrated.

  • When it goes into the “red zone” they have to use a coping skill to calm themselves back down.

  • I have this in my office and kids are ALWAYS asking to play it during our free time.

  • Plus, 89% of parents who use Mightier for 3 months see improvements in anger and emotion regulation. (Use code DRCARRIE to save 10% off)

4. UnoSpin

  • This is like Uno, but the spinning piece keeps ADHD kids even more engaged and excited.

  • It’s another favorite in my private practice office that kids are always reaching for when they come in.

5. Animal Magnatiles

  • Magnatiles are a great way to help ADHD kids engage in creative activities.

  • I have the normal blocks, but the animal ones are even more fun. I have the Jungle animals linked in this post but also love the Arctic animals.

6. Woobles Crochet Kit

  • I did two of these this year and shared about it in my IG stories.

  • Several of you let me know that your kids (as young as 7) and tweens also did these kits and loved them! I would recommend choosing one of the Easy Peasy Beginner kits to start with.

7. Visual Timer with Rainbow

  • Some kids absolutely love timers as a way to keep themselves on track, especially when it looks cute.

  • This rainbow one is fun because as time goes down, kids see the rainbow get smaller and smaller. It’s a great physical reminder of the time they have left.

8. Weighted Stuffed Animal

  • Weighted blankets can help kids calm down or give them sensory stimulation when they are feeling overly excited.

  • Younger kids may like this stuffed animal more than a normal blanket and at only 4.5 pounds it’s great for kids at a variety of ages and sizes.

9. DIY Candle Rolling Kit

  • I took this home for my nephews when I visited on Halloween and the kids (3 to 8 years old) loved getting to make something with their hands.

  • The younger kids can roll wax paper to create candles, and older kids can cut out different shapes to make candles.

  • Of course make sure to supervise this activity, but my nephews didn’t even care to light them, they just wanted to make them.


1. Bubble Initial Necklace

  • These bubble initial necklaces are trendy with lots of tweens and teens right now, but for any trendy item, I don’t think it’s worth spending a ton of money on them. 

2. Dae Styling Wand Cream

  • If you have an ADHD tween or teen girl who likes to wear their hair in a slick back bun, this is a popular hair product that a lot of people are getting to smooth out flyaways.

  • It has an easy to use wand so that you can slick back your hair and retouch it throughout the day.

3. LED Neon Rope Lights

  • Everytime I do a telehealth session, tweens and teens seem to have LED lights on in their background or taped up to their ceiling. 

4. Sunset Lamp

  • These sunset lamps have also been popular among teens lately, especially since it is getting darker earlier. It creates a nice, calming atmosphere in your teen’s room.

5. Summer Fridays Lip Balm

  • I have bought this exact lip balm (in color Poppy) and love that it provides just a tiny amount of color and keeps my lips hydrated during winter time. 

6. The Best Gel Pens Ever

  • This is one of those things you buy, and it surprises you how much people like it.

  • I randomly bought these off of Amazon and since then, every teen and kid that I work with has talked about how great they are and has asked to use them.

7. K18 Leave In Molecular Mask

  • I’ve been using this for years and it’s one of the best things you can use to keep your hair healthy.

  • If you have a tween or teen that’s really into haircare, this is something they will definitely love.

8. Checkered Weighted Blanket

  • Weighted blankets are helpful for calming ADHD tweens and teens down or even helping them fall asleep.

  • This one is in a cute, checkered pattern that a lot of people are liking right now.

9. Tortoiseshell Claw Hair Clips

  • Another hair item that lots of people are wearing right now. I love the tortoiseshell patterns because they can match so many things. 


1. Summer Fridays Lip Balm

  • This is the same one that’s on the ADHD tween and teen guide, but since I love it too, it’s a great gift for parents and moms. 

2. Skylight Calendar

  • You can make your whole life’s family easier and more organized with the Skylight Calendar or Skylight Calendar Max.

  • It has all the perks of a digital calendar while also being on display for everyone in your family. The automation is especially helpful for ADHD adults.

3. Free People Jacket Dupe

  • This Amazon fleece jacket is super cozy and at a fraction of the price of the Free People one it is based off of.

  • I have the olive color in a size Medium (but the Olive looks a little more brown in person).

4. Gola Sneakers

  • When I broke my ankle earlier this year, I wanted to find sneakers that I could wear outside that were cute, but they had to be comfortable.

  • The Gola brand ones have been my favorite so far and they have a variety of colors too.

5. Voluspa Candle in Noble Fir

  • These candles are a bit pricey, but they last me for months.

  • I love the Noble Fir scent for the holiday season but the French Cade Lavender is a favorite for the entire year. (use my code DRCARRIE50 to save $50 on your order!)

6. Loop Earplugs

  • These are the only ear plugs I have ever found that are actually comfortable enough to wear.

  • I wear them when I am traveling on a plane, but parents I work with have also used them around the house to just quiet the noise down a little bit. 

7. Abercrombie Wide Leg Sweatpants

  • I recently bought these (in a size small) before a long plane trip and they are the comfiest and softest pair of sweats I own.

  • I also prefer higher waisted pants so if you do too, these hit at the first area on your waist. 

8. Calpak Kaya Backpack

  • This is my go-to work bag that’s a backpack. It has a separate compartment for your laptop and the design is still cute and stylish.

  • I used to stuff everything into a bigger purse, but this is a lot nicer to your back and shoulders. 

9. Apple Airpods Pro 2

  • These were a splurge for me but the noise canceling mode makes it so worth it. These help me concentrate when I’m working, even when it’s loud and noisy outside.

  • Apple does have newer models of their airpods, but these are the latest ones with the noise canceling mode. 

10. Supergoop Mineral Setting Powder with SPF

  • I wear sunscreen each day and this setting powder is an easy way to reapply to your face throughout the day without messing up your makeup.

  • I also love to use this on my hair part and it also functions as a dry shampoo for oily roots.


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